Sunday, March 29, 2009

Well the boys had a great season but today was the end of the road for U of L men. However the women are still going strong. They made it to the elite 8. Also on the Amazing Race the team from Louisville is still in the running.

My plumbing is fixed and I could not be more excited about it. I had a hot plumber in my attic on Saturday and I have new pips, not a bad weekend all and all. My kitchen is still pulled apart but hey a girl can't have it all in one day, right?

I will get some pictures up tomorrow (I hope). The family was all together today and I got to get some really cute ones of kids playing as well and the Red, White and Black to cheer on the CARDS.

Have a great week everyone!


  1. As far as we can tell it was caused by the leak. It was making everything wet under the house and causing it to mildew and mold.
